Break the fashion rules. Erica Miller, Ikecho’s Director and Designer explains how to take your pearls from classic or contemporary to super-chic…

1. Pearl earrings are statement pieces

Especially if you’ve got good-sized pearls — these are best showcased alongside a simple, well-cut black dress, white blazer or lace top.

2. Mix your pearls

Don’t just stick to wearing all cultured pearls, mix them up with baroque or coloured pearls.

3. Pile those necklaces on

Pearls are perfect for layering. Find your favourite mix — wear them with more strands of pearls or even chain necklaces.

4. Go rogue and wear your pearls in your hair

You just have to search Pinterest to see wearing pearls in your hair is a huge trend in 2020.

5. Tahitian pearls are the new black

When in doubt, wear black — this is true for both fashion and pearl jewellery.


6. Wear pearls on the weekend

Don’t save your pearls just for work. Cool girls pair their expensive jewellery with T-shirts and jeans — the high-low contrast adds an instant edge to your look.

8. Baby got back

Switch how you wear your pearls. Wearing a long strand backwards makes an amazing statement, both front and back.

Read more about Erica

photos: Jodie McBride
hair & make-up: Jess Berg
styling: nikki yazxhi / bellamumma
fashion: Mamapapa
